Saturday, June 7, 2008

and the point is?

Mark took me out on a surprise date last night, it was fantastic! I knew we were going somewhere special, and since the All Blacks were playing the Irish in the first game of the rugby season, I assumed that is where we were heading. I was pleasantly surprised however when he revealed it wasn't the rugby we were going to but to the musical Cats (ahhhh). We dropped Laila off with his brother, got all spiffed up and went off to the Oprah house. Cats is one of the most well known musicals out there and we both waited in anticipation for the show to begin. We enjoyed the music, the dance, and the costumes, but to be honest had no idea what was going on! Does Cats have a story to follow at all or are we just newbies at the whole musical thing? I just couldn't see what all the rave is about and I'm sure Mark was wishing we were at the rugby instead. I would love some insight if any of you know better than us. We had a great evening none the less and enjoyed getting out alone and doing something different. It ended with a very romantic dessert....because Laila won't take a bottle anymore we couldn't be gone for to it was apple pies at McDonalds (again, ahhhhh). Laila did great too and was sound asleep when we went to go pick her up, a perfect end to a fantastic evening.

1 comment:

Dana Nassau said...

No idea...I just remember that they would always play advertisements on TV when I was about 10 that Cats was showing at the Pantages theater and thinking it must be pretty , but kinda freaky, too. I suppose if they're cats they probably don't have too much dialog, eh?