Saturday, July 12, 2008

Don't mess with me

Poor Marky, he came home from work with a pretty nasty looking eye this week. As the blood has spread across his eyeball it looks even more fierce than it really is. He got it at work when a nail gun kicked back and knocked him in the face. I am so glad the actual nail didn't get him, or that there wasn't more damage done to his eye. The question I heard all day today was, "Marnie, what did he do to deserve that black eye". I kept trying to think of funny answers, "He talked back to me", "He put me on a spending budget", "he asked when I was going to lose the baby weight"....but tried as hard as I could, I just couldn't really respond, Mark would never do anything that could make me hit him, nor could he ever do any of the things I was thinking would be funny to say, he's just about perfect (just about), even with a nasty looking eye!

1 comment:

Bonnie Leon said...

How interesting. Greg's eye looks just like Mark's. He hiy himself in the eye with a wrench while working. It came loose and whacked him good.

He got it checked out because the bone all around the eye was swollen and bruised. But it's fine. It's been healing for two weeks now and we're hoping it's gone in time for wedding pictures.

