Sunday, September 7, 2008

We're back!

Long time no hear from! We have just returned from a month enjoying our friends, family, and summer in the states. It has been a shock to our systems getting back into NZ winter, Mark has returned to work and I am trying to ignore the fact that Laila won't take a nap and is currently in her bed trying to cry herself to sleep...sigh, nevermind, we had a fantastic trip and already miss everyone at home. There's no way to sum up a whole month so here are some of the highlights.


Laila was a champ. Traveling with a baby means traveling will NEVER be the same but she did great. We traveled a lot between Roseburg, Portland, Seattle and Spokane and I couldn't have asked her to be any better. She loves being around people and didn't mind at all being passed around, I think she's having issues being back with just boring old mom at home. I hope we start working through those soon cause we're a bit tired.

a little TV never hurt anyone, especially on a plane where we had the only kid.

Our best purchase ever, This little travel tent was Laila's bed for the past month, she slept everywhere in it, even airport lounges!


It was so much fun to be with my family again, we enjoyed a lot of time outside in the beautiful sunshine and my brother Daniel came home from the Airforce to meet his new little niece.

four generations!

believe it or not, I can still beat up my 'little' brother

We all went camping together with my parents, brother, and 2 nieces, Aria and Kalliste


One of the things I miss most about being in NZ is having close friends around. I have been spoiled in my life with such amazing friends, making new ones has been a struggle this past year. A lot of my close friends have had babies recently and it was fun to meet them in person. Life sure has changed.

Krista is a freind from High School and she had Libby just 5 days after Laila, they are destined to be buds, even if you can't tell just yet.

my good freind Heather had little Raine at just 24 weeks weighing 1 lb 9oz, what a miracle, she was able to finally take him home from the hospital at almost 7 lbs and doing well, meeting him was one of my highlights.


I love Summer, I love sunshine and we really enjoyed every last ounce of warmth. We spent a lot of time outside. It was quite a shock coming stepping off the plane in Wellington blasted by freezing wind and rain. I guess one good thing about winter here, summer will soon follow. For any of you would like to escape in January or so....we have a spare room waiting.

Look who's sitting up now at 6 1/2 months.

Laila loved being outside and she loved being with her daddy all day.

some much needed time in the sun at the river.


America... big country, big trucks, big portions and free refills, I love it. I have missed big restaurants and lots of ice in your drink, something we just don't have here in NZ.

Roasted hot dogs anyone?

So, that was our trip. We are slowly getting back into the swing of things. To everyone Stateside, we miss you we love you and can't wait to see you again sometime soon.


BETHANY said...

I'm so glad we were able to see you guys!! Too bad NZ isn't a little closer. :) Here's a pic of Laila and one at Baja Fresh.

rebecca said...

What!!!!??? I missed you???!!!! How sad:( I am glad you had a good time and especially that Laila traveled well. What a blessing! We just went to Oklahoma with the boys for the first time and i though that was a long trip. Maybe not, eh?

Rhonda Wynegar said...

It was good to see YOU! Can't wait!

Steve and Myrn said...

We had so much fun with you here. Miss you guys so much already! Cant' wait to see you again.

Bonnie Leon said...

It was so wonderful to have you here and to get to meet Laila. :-) I love babies.

Miss you already and can't wait for you to come back for another visit.

Love you,


Dana Nassau said...

Fun to see the update. I love her smile in the close up of her and Mark. What a cutie!