Sunday, November 23, 2008

Behavioural issues????

I'm sorry, you expect me to eat what? And NO, I won't get my feet off the table!

Does this look like the face of a kid with issues? The eating saga continues with Laila now totally rejecting being fed at all! Grrrrr. There could be a number of things going on and I feel like I've tried everything. We've been basically standing on our heads trying to get her to eat and the only thing that works is to give her food to feed herself and hope to get a few bites into her. I am hoping to get into a family center to observe her and hopefully help us get to the bottom of things cause we just had her checkup today and although she has put on weight, it's not at the rate we would hope. It's been really frustrating in the Anderson house, if any of you have suggestions or have had kids who are as stubborn as mine or not so stubborn but still didn't eat, I'll take it...I'm desperate!


Dana Nassau said...

Ilan didn't eat much and still doesn't unless he's going through a growth spurt or it's chocolate. He wouldn't go for solids much from about 11 months to 18. I would just puree some vegies and hide them in his yogurt. Even still he doesn't eat much during meals. Honestly he's only grown a few pounds since he was about 10 months, but he is growing and he is acting healthy. I think that's the most important thing. Do you give her vitamins?

rebecca said...

Hey Marnie!
Lukas is 10 months and still isn't interested in eating unless it's cheesy noodles(otherwise known as: mac n cheese). That's it! He primarily nurses for sustenance and he is growing just fine. Don't even worry about it, if she is hungry, she'll eat. She's not going to starve herself.

Bonnie Leon said...

Hi Marnie.

Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration with friends. :-) We had a wonderful day with family. Missed you though.

Now about eating--Heh, heh, heh. You know we don't have a problem NOT eating in this family. Sigh.

However, once upon a time, Paul (at age one) wouldn't eat and for two to three years ate the equivalent of 1/2 a sandwich a day. You just couldn't get him to eat.

He was tiny (Lower 10% of normal--he didn't chub up until later--course now he looks like a Ken doll--too many hours at the gym). Anyway, the doc said make sure that whatever goes in his mouth is wholesome, give him his vitamins and don't worry.

It worked. He finally decided food was worth giving a shot and learned to enjoy it.

I know being a mom isn't easy, but try not to worry. Sounds like you guys are doing all the right stuff.

Love you,


Ellen Anderson said...

Does she enjoy ice blocks? If so, you could try freezing tiny ice-cubes of yogurt, pureed fruit or even vegetables or cereal, small enough that she could hold them in her hand and pop them in her mouth herself.