Sunday, December 21, 2008

She speaks!

Laila may be the last of all her friends to crawl...but she sure isn't short of words. Most days are filled with baby jibberish, but she has begun this new CONSTANT pointing at things and saying "sss dat?" She doesn't say 'mommy', sometimes 'daddy', but constantly repeats "what's that". So the naming and renaming of EVERYTHING has begun. I love seeing her constant attention to details. This morning I asked her where the Christmas tree was and she turned and pointed to it. I know most parents think their kids are geniuses, but at 10 months that's pretty good.


LatteJunkie said...

Yay, way to go Laila... You are a clever cookie!

Bonnie Leon said...

Marnie, I remember that you learned to talk really early(way ahead of Paul). We all thought you were going to grow up to be genius. Well . . . you are a great communicator. ;-] And Paul is still kind of quiet. But he's awfully cute.

Love you,


Myrn and Steve said...

Of course she's a genious!