Wednesday, April 23, 2008

smiley girl

These are our two favorite looks that Laila has. The first one we call the "I didn't do it look", the second is her smile. Admittedly, most of her smiles are focused on inanimate objects such as the wall or the curtains, but every now and then she will bless us with a huge cute grin, we love it.


BETHANY said...

She's a doll! Have I said that already? Like several times? Well, it's true!!

Guess who was at our house on Wednesday? Paul & Jessie!

Dana Nassau said...

I've been waiting for you guys to post more pictures! She's beautiful! Aren't those smiles so precious! Just wait until she can laugh. It still warms my heart!

rebecca said...

awwww, she is so cute and fun! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?