Sunday, March 9, 2008

Laila Fun

Here are some photos we've taken over the past few weeks. Laila is almost 3 weeks old and it has gone by fast. She has reflux so cries alot ( so does mom), and we are all trying to figure out what to do during those times. We enjoy the awake and alert times and pray through the screaming ones. She is growing tons though, and has found that if she can just get her hand in her mouth at the right angle it makes her happy. It is so fun to see how much she has grown and are thankful that her eyes have stopped crossing and can focus on things around her. My parents are still here from the states, and it has been so wonderful to have them here to see NZ and to help out with mom cooks and good ole American food has been fantastic for us all!


Everyone around here is a bit tired! With Laila's sore tummy the only way she likes to sleep in on our chests. It is sweet at times and can be tiring. I guess we should enjoy this, there will be a time when it's the last thing she wants to do.

Look, I have an ear and it is attached to my head!
I'm so pretty!
Proud daddys! We had our first coffee group with our friends from pre-natal class. So much fun to see everyone with their new babies.
Laila loves her new jungle gym from Gramma!


Dana Nassau said...

She is so beautiful. Sorry about the reflux. has been a really helpful resource for me when I've had baby questions.

Ellen Anderson said...

Wow! She has grown so much since we last saw her. Time we made another visit - I can't wait to see her again.

BETHANY said...

Oh, I just want to kiss that sweet baby of yours!!! Don't you think you're due for a trip to Portland?

Bonnie Leon said...

Oh yeah, I'm with Bethany! A trip to Portland would be just the thing.

Laila is so beautiful and so is her mommy. Marnie, you have such a cute, turned up nose. :-)

Love you,


rebecca said...

She is so darling, nice work guys! It is amazing how the time flies, Lukas is now 2 months old! I hope they meet someday, preferably in NZ:) Like for a climbing trip, perhaps.

Steve and Myrn said...

Ooooo how we miss that baby! We miss you kids tons too.

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