Sunday, June 29, 2008

Baby videos

Here's a couple of videos of Laila - the first is when she first discovered her toes...and that they wiggle when she asks them to.
The 2nd is just last week when she discovered she can lift her arms up and hit the butterflies above her head - very exciting! She also loves the sound of her own voice...she talked for 53 minutes not stop the other week! Very cute.


Erin said...

Ok she is just the cutest!!!

Dana Nassau said...

Ilan loved watching the baby videos. He says "more."

Rhonda Wynegar said...

She is SOOO cute! You should move back to Roseburg so I can be her kids pastor! Hey Marnie - your mom said you were wondering about me! I was honored! I read your blog a lot and keep up! I'm terrible about commenting. I have a blog too so you can see what is up!

Bonnie Leon said...

Oh my gosh, how wonderful! I remember my own children and then my grandchildren making those little noises. It's like they love to listen to their own voices.

The memories. Sigh.

Love you,


Bonnie Leon said...

Aren't babies wonderful!
