Wednesday, June 16, 2010

#2 and a bit of a catch up

Sigh...I've been maening to update this for ages. I actually had a blog written 4 months ago but it crashed just as I was posting it. I'll try again.
Most of you know that we had another little girl on Jan 30th this year - Milan ( in the Italian city) Grace Anderson. She can almost a month early and weighed in at 6lb 1oz. Despite being early and a bit small we were able to take her home after a day or so, and though she lost a bit of weight and flirted with needing to come back to hospital for a fer days with jaundice, she everntually picked up and got healthy. Here's a few photos:

She came out pretty fast - faster than Laila even (about 25mins) and had some pretty seroius bruising - looks like she has a goatee!

Big sister Laila has had a few jealousy issies but has been pretty good, and now loves her sister to bits

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