Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Learning the ABC's???

I think every parent brags at their child's genius. They show off their latest tricks so proudly while onlookers simply nod and smile politely yet think to themselves, 'yeah, not so much'. Now, we don't think Laila to be a genius per se, but she shocks us sometimes with the things that come out of her mouth and the level to which she totally understands us. Yesterday we were looking at some pictures and she pointed to the letter B, saying "B", then went on to say bee, ball, boon (balloon) and biscuit. I thought 'surely she didn't just do that, it was a fluke, she's only 16 months'. I was telling Mark about it later on and I'm not too sure he believed me since she wouldn't do it a second time. He took her out to the store however and in the car started saying, A, which she automatically followed up with, "apple", B "biscuit", C "coat", D "duck", (some letters she misses), F "finger", she doesn't say it but waves them around and finally landing on L-where she roars like a lion. To be fair she has an ABC book that she is basically repeating from memory, but that is what reading and learning is all about. So, it's your turn to simply nod your head and smile while I show off our daughter's genius over a lunch of tortillas and cheese!


BETHANY said...

She's pretty cute! :)

Myrn and Steve said...

She's a genius....yes, definitely a genius! Grandmas know those things.

LatteJunkie said...

Clever munchkin :)

Jodi said...

What a little smartie! She's adorable...and it's fun to hear your voice again!

Hey, I just remembered you asked me a while back what kind of camera I use. It's a Nikon D60, and I give all my photos a little Photoshop lovin' also. :) Hope you guys are doing well!

Kara said...

Ya, that's pretty clever for a 16 month old! Good job, mommy, reading to her and helping her learn - at least to show her off if nothing else :). Thanks for sharing- and I also like hearing your voice... I need to call you again soon!! Love you!

Bonnie Leon said...

Absolutely, she's a genius. What did you expect? She comes from a long line of genius genes.



Dzhennifer said...
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Dzhennifer said...

According to the infomercial "Your Baby Can Read," now is the time to teach them, when their brains are growing and synapses are connecting and it's a fun game to them, not work.
The parents in the infomercial would make flashcards with words printed on them and show them to child, say them and show them the corresponding object, picture, video or action. Then, later all they would have to do is hold up any of the flashcards and the baby/toddler would say the word (to the best of their ability) and do the action, mimic the sound it makes or point at the picture/video of it.
Now if what I saw on the infomercial is to be believed, the kids were reading books by preschool age.
I haven't looked at consumer reviews to see if it's for real, but it sounds like little Laila could prove it right.
Good job, Mommy Marnie and Daddy Mark!

Bonnie Leon said...

Oh, love the video! :-) What a sweetie and so smart--like her mommy.

Hugs to you guys,


Andrew said...

to me it sounded like she said Firngey. I know another little girl who said firngey. she was fricken huge. you should train her to say elphanant.

that is one beautiful girl you have there and you are picking up the accent mahnie